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Click HERE to see how you can help.

NEW: Support our SCHOOL!

Click HERE.

NEW: Support Ministers!

Click HERE.

International Sanctuary Ministries, Inc. 

(AKA Sanctuary Home for Children), or just "Sanctuary Ministries," as we generally call it, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works to show God's love in southern India.  


Through our leadership team in India, we work with more than a hundred congregations of Christians who are deemed as low in caste by Indian society, but who we see as our brothers and sisters in Christ.  At our core, we help orphans and widows, spread the gospel and the love of Christ to those who are lost, and help support the congregations of Christians. This mission is manifest in various ways, but the overriding objective is to bring glory to God, as He shows us how. and as He gives us opportunity.

You can help!  We would be extremely honored and blessed if you would. You can partner with us as we help orphans, widows, people with leprosy, support local evangelists and ministers, and as we help congregations in need. You can join us as we teach and feed children in the slum, as we provide fresh water to poor villages.  You can extend the blessings that God has given to you, passing them on to many less fortunate, but equally our Christian family.

Our overhead costs are minimal. Nobody in the US draws a salary or gets paid, because we want as much of the money we raise as possible to go directly to the work in India. If you give to a specific cause, 100% of what we receive will go to India for that purpose.

Bibles for India
See Our New Site!

We are excited to introduce our all-new website,, which is dedicated to getting Bibles into the hands of poor Christians and those interested in studying the Bible in India.  Check it out!

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Click on the logo above to visit our our new website!

To donate to our ongoing Bible Drive, click the button below.

Or text Bibles4India to 44321

Your donation is tax-deductible.

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How Can I Help?

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A widow faces extra discrimination in India's culture.  Donate $15/mo to help a widow.

Click here for more info.


We currently have sponsors for six evangelists, but others are hoping for the opportunity to work full time for the Lord.  Sponsor an evangelist for only $200/ month.

Click here to learn more.

Feed the kids in our adopted slum area, Hope Village.

Click here to help.


Lepers are considered outcasts, and many live in government-run colonies.  We help support a group of Christians with leprosy.

Click here for more info.

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Drill a well in a poor village, near to the church building.  Current cost ranges from $1350 to $1600 per well.

Click here to learn more.

Consider Giving to our General Fund.  Click HERE to see why this is so important to the ministry.  In giving to our General Fund, you are vitally supporting everything we do.

Or choose one of the options below to learn more.

We have recently begun operating our new, accredited school! The Morton-Rich Elementary school began operating on our orphanage campus in the fall of 2024.

We have been desiring to start a school for years, but decided we don't have enough money yet.  However, with a leap of faith, Isaac prepared, applied and received government accreditation, purchased materials, and hired experienced teachers and staff.

To support our school, click the link below.

Or text SMSchool to 44321


We currently have 75 students enrolled in our school, which instructs children in grades 1-7.

We are teaching kids in English, with learning the English language as a top goal. When these kids graduate, they will have so many more opportunities over the masses of children in public school who haven't learned English.

Isaac has sacrificed some of his salary, reached out to his family and friends, and taken a loan in order to fund this school. If the school will succeed long-term, we need donors who understand this vision and will find it in their hearts to donate for this cause.

If you can help, please press the donation button on the left.

Thank you for your support!

If you have wanted to support spreading the gospel in India, the cost to sponsor an evangelist is not feasible for you, we have a new option.  Give any amount (one-time or monthly), and your donation will be used to support local Indian ministers in their efforts.

Money collected will be allocated to ministers with the greatest need, as evaluated by our trusted team in India. 

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To support local ministers, click the link below.

Or text MINISTERS to 44321

Local ministers give so much to their congregations, while still having to work menial jobs such as laboring in the fields to support their families. These ministers help widows, feed children, and try to meet other needs of their congregations while reaching out to their communities with the life-changing message of the gospel. Many of these ministers are struggling more than we know, but they continue steadfastly in their devotion to the Lord's work.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."    -- James 1:27
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."   
-- Matthew 28:19

Snail Mail: ​

PO Box 2238, Abilene, TX  79604

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