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We are grateful that you have chosen to donate to International Sanctuary Ministers, to participate in the work we are doing in India.  Join us in our prayers for wisdom, for compassion, and for confidence as we spread the gospel and the love of Christ in southern India.  Pray especially for the men and women who have tasked themselves to serving the Lord, to work for His kingdom in India.

May God bless you in your giving.

International Sanctuary Ministries is a 501(c)(3) organization, and your donation is tax-deductible.

How to Give
Choose one of the options below or contact us HERE.

Donate by Card or Bank Draft

Click the button below
One-time or recurring donations

Or text "GIVEINDIA" to 44321

Donate through PayPal

Click the button below
One-time or recurring donations

Other Donation Options

(These methods save bank fees and card fees.)

Draft From Your Bank Account:

Download a form HERE (pdf).

Fill form out according to the instructions on the page, then return it by email, postal mail, or fax.

Bill Pay from Your Bank Account:

Log in to your bank account and set up a bill pay to International Sanctuary Ministries, PO Box 2238, Abilene, TX  79604

Donate by Check:

Please mail your donation to

International Sanctuary Ministries

PO Box 2238

Abilene, TX  79604


*To SPONSOR a Widow is $20 per month.


*To FEED children for one day per month in the slum called Hope Village is $30 per month.


*To SPONSOR a child at the orphanage is $50 per month.


*To SPONSOR an evangelist is $200 per month.


* To DRILL a water well is approximately $1400-1700 each, depending on geography.

* To HELP a group of Christians with leprosy with their medical treatements is any amount.


*Donations to our General Fund are extremely important and will allow us to help the impoverished and sow the seeds of the gospel as God shows us opportunities. 


"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."    -- James 1:27
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."   
-- Matthew 28:19

Snail Mail: ​

PO Box 2238, Abilene, TX  79604

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