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About 30 minutes north of Tenali proper, on the very outskirts of town, is a patch of sweet but invisible humanity. This community of approximately 750 of India's lowest caste, the "untouchables," is a place referred to as the slum area. Isaac and the kids of Sanctuary Home for Children began ministering to the very basic but overwhelming needs of this slum by taking food each month and planting a preacher in their community. The food nourished their starving bodies and the preacher taught something they had never heard before....the untouchable people of India are people of value, dearly loved by a Savior named Jesus and his followers! 

To make a donation help continue the mission of Sanctuary Ministries, click on the DONATE button below.

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Our "Adopted" Slum Area:  HOPE VILLAGE

Feed the Children of Hope Village!

*Only $25 per month to feed the children for a day each month.*


We need 26 sponsors to give $30 a month so these children can be fed a meal at school each day.  They work in the field or rummage through trash by morning and now attend school in the afternoon. They do not get enough to eat, which makes it difficult to learn.  For the cost of eating out one time in the U.S., all the children of the slum can be fed a nutritious meal.


If you would like to help in this worthy endeavor, please click the payment button below.

What Sanctuary Ministries is doing in Hope Village


With the help of our wonderful donors, and with God's guidance, we:


* Have brought, and are continuing to bring the message of Christ.   

* Have drilled a water well for the residents.  (Previously, they had to

       walk into another area for water, and were met with resistance

       by the people who did not want this lower caste of people walking

       in their neighborhood or using their water well.)

* Have hired two Christian teachers and provided school supplies to            educate children who would otherwise not receive an education.

* Have provided the first toilet facility ever in the neighborhood.

* Are currently building a wash station so the people here can bathe

       and wash clothes.

* Are working on finding donors to feed the school children one meal

       per day during school.

* Have constructed a new building, which will be used as a church building, as a dry place for the children to go to school, and as a refuge for many villagers whose huts are water-filled during the rainy season.


More plans for Hope Village are in the works!

(Details coming soon.)

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."    -- James 1:27
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."   
-- Matthew 28:19

Snail Mail: ​

PO Box 2238, Abilene, TX  79604

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