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Sponsor a Child
Change a life for $50/month

How to Give
If you want to SPONSOR A CHILD in the orphanage, please contact us HEREYou are welcome to look below to find a child that you would like to sponsor, but you must contact us before sponsoring a child.

Click the button to give by Credit or Debit Card

Or text ORPHANAGE to 44321

If you want to help many kids and assist us with our orphanage expenses, you may give to the orphanage fund by choosing one of the options below.  Your donation is greatly appreciated.

Other Donation Options
Draft From Your Bank Account:

(saves credit card fees)

Download a form HERE (pdf).

Fill form out according to the instructions on the page, then return it by email, postal mail, or fax.

Bill Pay from Your Bank Account:

Log in to your bank account and set up a bill pay to International Sanctuary Ministries, PO Box 2238, Abilene, TX  79604

Donate by Check

Please mail your donation to

International Sanctuary Ministries

PO Box 2238

Abilene, TX  79604

Children to Sponsor

When you sponsor a child, you are saving him or her from a sad life.  Some of our children are true orphans, having lost both their parents.  Sometimes one parent is ill, and the other is not able to provide for their family.  Alcoholism in the home causes many fathers to abandon their responsibilities, and the children are not cared for.  Many children are victims of broken homes.  A common scenario is when a father leaves his wife, and the child goes with the mother.  The mother then must try to make ends meet by cleaning houses or obtaining some other low-paying job.  Often, the mother is not able to make enough to care for her children, and they become malnourished.  If a mother gets remarried, oftentimes the new husband won't accept the mother's children into the home.  Many children are left to roam the streets, begging, and learning bad behaviors from older individuals.

In most cases in these poor villages, the children do not attend school. They may be sent by their parents to rummage through trash during the day to find things that the family might use or sell.

Through the efforts of Isaac and other leaders, we have a network of over 100 congregations. The ministers of these congregations see the circumstances of the children throughout the villages. When a minister finds a child that is in danger, or desperately needs help, he recommends the child to our children's home. If there is room, and if we have sponsors, we take them in.  

In our orphanage, Sanctuary Home for Children, the children experience a new and better life. They are cared for and nourished well. They go to public school, and education is seen as a priority. They are given chores and responsibilities. The children are shown love, and are taught about the love of a Savior who died for them. They meet for prayers, scripture, and singing in the morning and in the evening, and they attend church service on Sunday, sitting up front.


On this page, you will see pictures of the children who need a sponsor. (Many more still wait as well.) If you choose to sponsor a child, or have any questions, please email  us at and let us know what child you wish to sponsor.  


Please remember that this is not a one-time donation, but a pledge from you to provide for this child.  You may pay monthly, or you may provide for multiple months in advance.  Sponsorship for a child is currently $50 per month.

If you wish to donate to the orphanage in general, that would be a blessing as well. We have a staff at the orphanage, and sometimes the sponsorships are not enough to pay them well. Repairs and maintenance, transportation, upkeep of the five acres, security, etc., must all be attended to, and general donations to the orphanage will greatly help in these areas.

May God bless the children, and may God bless those of you who help these precious kids.

To make a donation help continue the mission of Sanctuary Ministries, click on the DONATE button below.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."    -- James 1:27
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."   
-- Matthew 28:19

Snail Mail: ​

PO Box 2238, Abilene, TX  79604

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