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Our Children's Home

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Sanctuary Home for Children

The orphanage is the mission foundation for Sanctuary Ministries.  The children of Sanctuary Home come from a wide range of backgrounds. Some are orphans with no parents to care for them; some are classified as semi-orphans, and have one living parent who cannot feed or educate them due to poverty or illness. Some of the children have been rejected by their families when a parent has remarried, a common situation in India. Some are escaped slaves, or simply abandoned children.

 They range in age from four to seighteen, and all are provided with plenty of food, a safe place to live, a thorough education, and much more. The children at Sanctuary Home have truly found a sanctuary; they are not treated as lower class citizens but as favored children in a house of plenty...all of them. Not only have their lives been saved, but their futures are bright.

Sanctuary Home operates at or near capacity but we always seem to have a small number of children available for sponsorship as some children graduate from school, take on a job or leave for other reasons. At the beginning of each school year in June, many children come to Sanctuary Home to request admittance, and almost all of them must be turned away. However, there always seem to be a few who are in such desperate need that Isaac finds a spot for them and provides them with some food, taking money from his own salary to do so. To sponsor a child, click here.


We have many needs in addition to sponsorship - please also consider helping in another way through sponsorship of a staff member or a widow, or giving to the general fund so that we may serve together in many other ways.   There are many opportunities to help; please contact us for more details on the current needs.

To Sponsor a Child

For only $50 per month, you can change the life of a child and give him or her a spot in our Children's home.

The children are secured a safe place, nourishment for their bodies, much-needed structure, and an emphasis on education, all in a loving, caring environment. They learn of the God who loves them through daily scripture reading and discussion, and attendance and participation in Bible class and worship services.

If you'd like to make such a difference in a child's life, contact us at

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"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."    -- James 1:27
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."   
-- Matthew 28:19

Snail Mail: ​

PO Box 2238, Abilene, TX  79604

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